
Dream Interpretation

Types of Dreams That Loss Of Control Can Cause

The sensation of losing control can often be unsettling, and this feeling can manifest vividly in our dreams. When we sleep, our subconscious minds grapple with the complexities of our waking lives, and the loss of control can shape these nocturnal narratives in intriguing ways. This article delves into the various dreams that can stem from a sense of powerlessness, exploring their meanings and implications.

Dreams of Falling

Perhaps the most emblematic dream associated with loss of control is that of falling. These dreams often occur during times of great uncertainty or stress in one’s life. For example, a person facing a tumultuous period in their career might dream of plummeting from a great height. The act of falling represents the dreamer’s fear of losing their grip on the situation and the accompanying anxiety about the unpredictable outcome.

Being Chased or Pursued

Dreams where you are being chased often reflect a sense of powerlessness in waking life. The dreamer might be running from an unknown entity or a specific figure representing a real-life stressor. Such dreams can occur when someone feels overwhelmed by responsibilities, threats, or unresolved conflicts. The inability to escape the pursuer in the dream mirrors the dreamer’s real-life feeling of being unable to confront or control their problems.

Natural Disasters

Dreaming about natural disasters, such as tsunamis, earthquakes, or hurricanes, can also be indicative of a loss of control. These dreams typically emerge during times when life feels unpredictable or overwhelming. The uncontrollable nature of the disaster in the dream reflects the dreamer’s perception of their situation – something immense and overpowering, leaving them feeling helpless and at the mercy of external forces.

Uncontrollable Vehicles

Dreams involving vehicles out of control, such as cars, trains, or planes, symbolize a lack of direction or control in life. For instance, dreaming of driving a car that suddenly becomes uncontrollable could reflect feelings of anxiety about one’s path in life, career, or personal decisions. These dreams underscore a subconscious awareness of not being in the driver’s seat of one’s life.

Lost and Unable to Find a Way

Being lost in a dream, such as wandering in an unknown city or a vast forest, represents a subconscious feeling of being out of control in one’s life direction. These dreams often occur when the dreamer is at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take, symbolizing their inner confusion and lack of control over their life’s journey.

Inadequacy and Unpreparedness

Dreams of unpreparedness, such as showing up to an important event unprepared or finding oneself naked in public, are rooted in a fear of inadequacy and a lack of control over one’s image or performance. These dreams are common in people who are facing high expectations, whether self-imposed or from others, and fear that they are not in control of meeting these expectations.

Malfunctioning Technology

In our digital age, dreams about malfunctioning technology – phones not working, computers crashing – reflect our struggles with control in the context of modern life. These dreams can symbolize our fears of losing control over our digital lives or our inability to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change.


Dreams influenced by the loss of control are a window into our deepest fears and anxieties. They reflect the myriad ways in which feelings of powerlessness can infiltrate our subconscious mind. Understanding these dreams can provide valuable insights into our emotional state, helping us to confront and address the areas in our lives where we feel most vulnerable. These dreams, while often unsettling, can ultimately guide us towards greater self-awareness and empowerment.


1. What do dreams of falling typically symbolize in relation to control?

Dreams of falling are commonly associated with loss of control and often occur during times of uncertainty or stress. For example, someone facing career challenges might dream of plummeting from a height, representing fear of losing grip on their situation and anxiety about unpredictable outcomes.

2. How do dreams where you’re being chased reflect feelings of powerlessness?

Being chased in a dream often reflects a sense of powerlessness in waking life. These dreams can occur when someone feels overwhelmed by responsibilities or unresolved conflicts, with the inability to escape the pursuer in the dream mirroring the dreamer’s real-life feeling of being unable to control their problems.

3. What do dreams about natural disasters indicate about control?

Dreaming about natural disasters, like tsunamis or earthquakes, can indicate a loss of control. These dreams typically emerge when life feels overwhelming or unpredictable, with the uncontrollable nature of the disaster reflecting the dreamer’s perception of their situation as overpowering and uncontrollable.

4. What does dreaming about uncontrollable vehicles signify?

Dreams involving uncontrollable vehicles, such as cars or planes, symbolize a lack of direction or control in life. For instance, dreaming of a car that becomes uncontrollable could reflect feelings of anxiety about one’s life path or decisions, highlighting a subconscious awareness of not being in control.

5. How does being lost in a dream relate to a sense of control?

Being lost in a dream, such as wandering in an unknown city, represents feelings of being out of control in life’s direction. These dreams often occur when the dreamer is unsure of their path, symbolizing inner confusion and a lack of control over their life’s journey.

6. What do dreams of unpreparedness reveal about control and inadequacy?

Dreams of unpreparedness, like showing up unprepared to an event, are rooted in fears of inadequacy and a lack of control over one’s performance. They are common in people facing high expectations, reflecting a fear that they are not in control of meeting these standards.

7. Do dreams about malfunctioning technology relate to control?

Dreams about malfunctioning technology, such as phones not working or computers crashing, reflect struggles with control in modern life. They can symbolize fears of losing control over our digital lives or an inability to keep up with technological changes.

8. How can understanding dreams influenced by loss of control help us?

Understanding dreams influenced by loss of control can provide valuable insights into our emotional state, helping us confront and address areas where we feel vulnerable. These dreams can guide us towards greater self-awareness and empowerment, even though they may be unsettling.